Friday, 25 November 2011

Getting You Ready For the Real World

I was delighted not so long ago when I was approached my old university UCA to provide some information for an article they were writing about me. 

This is the third time UCA has written something about me, the first was about a music video which I put together and shot at the uni, and the second was in the alumni magazine about my job when I was Assistant Art Director on EastEnders. I'm really pleased they used one of my technical drawings in this article, I've been dying to get that out there!

It's great helping out people who are in the same situation I was a few years back. When I was studying on the Illustration course it was difficult get the exact guidance I needed to progress into film design. So I hope that what I have to say will help people know that no career is out of reach!

Here is the article anyway, it will be available on all 5 UCA campuses soon!

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