Saturday, 26 November 2011

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

I've been working as self-employed very recently since I finished at the BBC and I got a very cool job in last week which I'm allowed to share with you!

I was asked to re-brand Magician Pictures, a production company based at Elstree Film Studios. My boyfriend is a Director there so it was nice to work with him briefly :)

So here is their brand new shiny logo!!

The font I used is a take on Helvetica which is really nice on the eyes, and I added the cool wave texture to make it a bit more interesting. I felt like I HAD to add a star for a company called Magician so managed to get that cheeky little one in there.

I was also asked to design a Christmas Card as well. As it was for a production company I mixed together Christmas and film and came up with this:

I wanted to keep the feel of the company on the card so colour matched the purple from the new logo and used it as a highlight on the snow and in the sky which makes it all look magical :)

I downloaded the snowflake brushes from here. I'd definitely recommend them, they are quite large but as you can see look very effective. I used Photoshop CS5 to create both of these.

Daniel bought me Michael Bublés new album to help me get into the Christmas spirit. I would strongly recommend it, it's the most Christmassy album I have heard in a long long time and his honey-like voice is just smothered over loads of popular and traditional Christmas songs <3 Drool...

If anyone is interested in having a Christmas Card designed by me please leave a comment and I'll get in touch!

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