Thursday, 16 May 2013

My Heart Is A Grenade

Today one of my best friends, Bex, had a wisdom tooth out so I journeyed up to Norwich to provide moral support for my dear friend.

Whilst I won't divulge into Bex's vulnerable, cute, zombie like state. Having some time silently sitting with my best pal got me thinking about a number of things which have been on my mind recently...

- Sausage Dogs. I actually need one. I can't stop googling them and their little faces!! Seriously, it's a problem. 

-Bio Oil. I'm giving this a whirl to try and get rid of some scars I've gotten a bit sick of... we'll see how that goes but there's a commitment time of 3 months seems a little long to stick with to be honest. Also not entirely comfortable with my oily bedtime/morning face. Though it does smell nice.

-London. My adventures have led me to fall head over heels in love with this city. I am so lucky to be living here.

-London Hoop Fest. This is taking place at the Mile End Art Pavilion from Monday - Sunday next week. I'll be attending on the Wednesday and the Saturday, tickets are stupidly cheap and you can check out the programme of events here. 

-The 'A Beautiful Mess' App. Playing with this has been pretty fun though I've not had much chance to do anything purdy with many of my photos! I love the A Beautiful Mess blog as well it's a great read and I strongly recommend it :)

-My Boy. He is amazing. He picks me up when I'm down, makes me laugh and holds me tight to his chest when he sleeps at night. I'm a very lucky girl. :)

Tomorrow I venture back into the working world for a long while. Which means that my daily adventure blog has come to an end. It's been a real eye-opener, blogging every day has given me reason to go outside and explore, take lots of photos and see old friends. It's been marvellous and most importantly it's allowed me continue my online presence without fear of judgement. 

In the meantime, I'm still a massive Tumblr nerd so if you do need a little fix of the Sally Monster you can check out my Tumblr here.

Thanks for reading my warblings as well, as I write this I've just hit the 5700 readers mark. Which to me is pretty incredible so thank you!

Keep living life to the full!

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